Key 3CX phone system features

Introduction to 3CX features: The 3CX phone system is a robust, feature rich and versatile Voip phone system communication solution designed for businesses of all sizes. It offers a complete Unified Communications (UC) platform that integrates voice, video, messaging, and collaboration tools into a single, easy-to-use interface. What follows is a brief overview of the […]

Why chose a cloud based VOIP system | 3CX phone system

A lot of companies are looking for a way to upgrade their phone systems. It’s important because it saves money, time, and provides more features than your traditional landline legacy phone system. If you would like to learn more about how a cloud based 3CX phone system can help you achieve these goals, please read […]

Is your business MiFID II ready?


The Challenge at hand: From January 2018, MiFID II legislation impacts any business involved in the advice chain for intended trades. They must record and retain records of their communications for at least five years. The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) is new EU legislation.  It is aimed at regulating firms that provide services to clients linked to ‘financial instruments’. MiFID II regulation […]