Remote Working and Your Business

Working From Home – The Future

As the usual operations for most businesses have been put on hold due to the Global Pandemic and the new norm seems to be working from home. Remote working has been the lifeline for many businesses across the UK, with companies who usually ignore remote working now changing over to more flexible working from home solutions. Firms across the country have now been opened up to the benefits and feasibility of working from home and flexible working. So whatever you call it, flexible working is inevitably here to stay and many employees are favouring these temporary measures, keeping them in place and enabling remote workers to stay working from home, even as the pandemic starts to ease up.

The good news is that research has shown that the majority of employees who are working from home are content and productive, around 4 in 5 colleagues have stated that they get through their workload and around 9 out of 10 are more than satisfied with the tools and processes that they use for work. Another advantage that has been highlighted is that around half of the workers believe that they are travelling less than they did before. So with this more flexible lifestyle being a popular benefit of remote working, many individuals think that the main advantage of working from home is not having to commute to the office. Another plus is that some remote workers have saved money due to remote working, as well as being able to reduce their stress levels and the flexibility also allowing them to care for their family and relatives.

Remote Worker

The Benefits of Flexible Working

Agile working and unified communications are the backbones of remote working with many business owners supporting home working or working away from the office or premises.

Remote working provides many more benefits than what is mentioned above, with technology being as fast and efficient as ever, the ability to communicate effectively with colleagues over video, voice and data is a big part of company productivity. Working from home also provides a positive impact on the environment, this includes reducing our fuel consumption and no time is used on commuting. Collaborating with teams and colleagues online and through remote file sharing has reduced the requirement to print documents, helping to reduce a company’s carbon footprint. The need for offices and premises has also been reduced as effective teleworking solutions have been put into place.

While flexible working hasn’t always been something that’s important to businesses, it’s now become a main focus. Prevalent mobile phone technology means that phones, tablets and laptop computers have all come a long way and are now the centre of remote working. Until now, it’s never been easier for workers to work away from the office. Remote cloud systems have made it simple for businesses to run smoothly with no disruptions when their staff are working from home or other locations. Unified Communications (UCaas) has streamlined making and receiving calls and messages and agile smart office environments include video, email, voice and instant messaging, supporting flexible working and working from any location.

It’s never been more important for companies to take advantage of unified communications and remote system capabilities, all your colleagues will need is an internet connection. All of these solutions help support collaboration across remote workers and dispersed workforces, these platforms will allow your employees to connect, share and work together. Some of the biggest benefits of these streamlined interfaces include:

  • Improving productivity
  • Lowering business costs
  • Allowing more mobility
  • An improved work-life balance
  • Supporting the environment


Juno Telecoms Remote Working Solutions

For more information on how Juno Telecoms can support your company’s remote working strategies with our agile working and unified communications solutions, please get in touch with our team today!

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