If any of these are true for your business, it could be time to invest in Hosted VOIP
Have you considered BT’s recently stated intent to phase out of ISDN systems? It may be tempting to continue to delay migrating your existing phone system to the cloud. Traditional on premise PBX phone systems are familiar and changes can be considered disruptive, especially when you have a large team. Consider this a possible trigger to consider Hosted Voip.
Most businesses will eventually hit a point where they need to upgrade their systems from traditional ISDN. If not for employee satisfaction reasons, or to keep customers happy and to stay ahead of your competition in your respective market, it may be triggered by the need to move office.
Sometimes it’s fairly obvious when it’s the right time to move; cost cutting, office relocation, lack of support or finding parts for the existing system. There are times the signs aren’t so obvious. If one of the following statements is true in your business then you’re likely to benefit by migrating to the cloud sooner rather than later.
Customers want more ways to contact you
Customers are demanding flexibility via social media, email and chat. They may want to talk to a bookeeper via phone on an accounting matter. Perhaps they think a simple web chat is more efficient for technical support queries.
Traditional phone systems don’t have the flexiblity of cloud-based solutions. Long wait times, antiquated messaging systems, or the inconvenience of telephone-only support are on the rise. So it’s probably time to move to a call centre environment in the cloud.
Your employees could also be frustrated with the lack of feature and flexibility options available to them.
You spend too much time or money maintaining your business phone system
Your support team should focus its time and efforts on projects that propel the business forward. Perhaps you spend monies on support contracts with suppliers whose skill base is diminishing. Or maybe they are finding it harder to source parts for your older system.
With Hosted VOIP, the tasks of adding, upgrading and maintaining features is much easier via a simple online portal. It’s an easy in house task now. This lets you and your staff focus on what matters most.
All’s well as long as the business doesn’t expand, move, or downsize
Today companies need to be agile in the face of changing circumstances. New product launches, busy periods, and the addition or loss of customers are factors which cause rapid changes in employee deployment
Hosted VOIP introduces new levels of flexibility, making it easier to manage overflow, add or remove users, and route calls to those with relevant experience or at different locations. With this improved flexibility, you can try innovative solutions that help increase revenue. For example, using your sales team members to handle support calls to enable up-selling opportunities.
If more than one of these statements are true for your company, then it’s definitely time to invest. Look for a system that offers simple migration, can reduce costs, is secure, and is scalable. Call Juno Telecoms for a no obligation discussion on the benefits of investing in a cost effective Hosted IP phone system.